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Off Dry & Sweet

La Garagista, Lupo in Bocca 2021

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Product Details
Brand: La Garagista

Producer: La Garagista

Grapes: Frontenac Gris (skin-contact pink hue) 

Where: Barnard, Vermont

Country: USA

Taste:This is rosé perfection, a wine whose hue in the glass bespeaks its floral, filamented treasures – deeper strawberry red, a macerated wine from the grape Frontenac Gris.

Vibes wine: 80's dance music, beet salad

Fun Facts: Frontenac gris (hybrid grape) is a white grape with pink skin. This grape when making white wine will produce wines with good body and are known for their strong fruity flavors, especially peach and pineapple with hints of honey. When  producing a skin contact wine will have a pink hue. 

Additional Info:

This wine is made by Deirdre Heekin and Caleb Barber of La Garagista, working with a couple hectares of vines in south-central Vermont.

Vinification: 100% Frontenac Gris, Lupo in Bocca (tr.: Wolf in the Mouth) hand-harvested from vines grown in clay and limestone soils. Spontaneous fermentation with only ambient yeasts (no temp. control) takes place over ~6 months before a short élevage. Bottled unfined, unfiltered, with no additional SO2. 12%ABV

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